Rather than writing out paper checks each pay period, you can pay your workers with Juice Payout Cards. At the end of each pay period, you transfer your worker’s paycheck onto their cards. Your employees or contractors no longer have wait for the check in the mail, no driving to pick it up, no standing in line at a check casher.
You save time by not having to write and/or send paper checks. You can use your existing payroll solution or you can link your bank account to Juice for Business, and pay your employees by loading their cards from your phone or computer.
The best part? Your employees are paid on the spot and manage their income through the website and use the payout cards as any regular Mastercard.
Benefits for you as an employer
Benefits for your workers
Create a free account using your computer, tablet, or phone. Fill in your contact and business details and you’ll be on your way. It’s that simple.